Six months ago, exactly on 21st April, Google, the world’s biggest search engine introduced its new search algorithm favouring mobile friendly websites, the ones with with large text, easy to click linksand re-size to fit screen etc. This update purely effects the mobile world and not on searches from tablets or desktopsGoogle said that this would have a ‘significant impact’ on the mobile search results and it will focus on boosting the ranking of mobile friendly pages. 

According to research, over the past year web searches done by mobile users have grown tremendously and approximately 50% of online traffic comes now from mobile devices. Google wants to make a statement for these users to have a good experience when searching and clicking on links.

We have also designed and published our mobile friendly webpage recently. If you want to see our mobile friendly website just open our website on your mobile device. You can also check your website for free to see if it is mobile friendly.

Last but not least, Google has further amended its policy recently and from November will no longer consider websites mobile friendly, which show an app install interstitial that hides a significant amount of content from the search result page to the website. These types of ads often come up when searching on the web and encouraging users to download an app rather than visiting the website. So watch that space, a lot more to come and in the meantime we would like to hear from you…

Have you made your website mobile friendly yet?  What has been your experience so far?   Have you seen increased traffic or changes to it yet? 

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